Quantum Leaf

Quantum Leaf – One stop shop for all your Composting and Organic food gardening needs!

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What Do Our Users Say?

Mr. Krishna Kumar’s knowledge in home gardening is exemplary. Quizes and practicals were beneficial. The master class was a great start for my experiment with home gardening!

Mrs Dhanya

You have done a great job in formulating and structuring your class!! A systematic approach to knowing the essentials starting with soil. This class helped us to have wholesome knowledge from germination to harvesting”

Mr John

What was fascinating for me – You spoke corporate language, spiritual language and you spoke personalized language! You catered to every participant, a novice like me and to people who are already doing lot of terrace gardening.

Mrs. Saranya

You don’t make it impossible. The way you take us through is nice. You give everything!

Mrs. Prathima

The class was very affordable. You gave us a lot of information. Awesome Sir, thank you so much!!

Mrs. Anita Bhat

You didn’t just say – this is the seed, buy my soil and do it. It was more of giving the science behind and not trying to promote something. It was a very informative session and to the point!

Mrs. Sangeeta

Krishna Kumar, it was of great help! We have practically started implementing what you have told from yesterday onwards. We have done mulching also. I am sure this will be of great help for me!

Mrs. Uma Venkateswaran


Gardening seasons d.e.c.o.d.e.d

In tropical regions, there are typically three main climatic transitions. 🔸 Summer🔸 Monsoon🔸 Winter Spring and Autumn are short-lived in the tropics...

Tropical winter food garden planner

Follow these guidelines to plan, schedule and sow your winter garden and enjoy regular harvests through the season! Introduction This blog-post is...

5 Virtues of an Organic Kitchen Gardener

As an organic kitchen gardener, you’re not just cultivating plants; you’re nurturing a way of life that embodies certain virtues. These...

Course Trainer

Krishna Kumar R

Executive Mentor coach, Business coach, Trainer, Facilitator of experiential workshops and masterclasses on composting and chemical free food gardening in urban spaces. Design, develop and execute farm projects.